Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nature's Best Kept Secret: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Have you ever thought about all the benefits you can get out of olive oil?  Olive oil is nature's best kept secret.  It can be used for so many things.  For instance, cooking with olive oil opposed to vegetable oil or canola oil is much more healthier.  It's better for your blood pressure and even helps fight cancer.  You can eat olives, add it to salad dressings and what not.  When rubbed on skin, you can achieve soft, supple, healthy looking, glowing skin.  It's also great to pour about 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1/2 cup epsom salt in a foot bath and relax your tired feet.  Light an aromatherapy candle and get taken away. 

What else can olive oil do for us you ask?  These are my favorites...Apply a dab on your cuticles and pow...You've got yourself a cuticle softener.  Need to treat your hair?  Looking to have healthy, shiny hair?  Want your hair to grow?  Extra Virgin Olive Oil Does The Trick!!!!!!!  Stimulate your scalp by massaging the olive oil into your scalp to get your blood cells moving.  This promotes growth!!!  So does brushing from roots to ends!  Apply from roots to ends and wrap head with a steamed towel or cover in a plastic cap and sit under a hooded dryer for 30 mins for a great treatment.  You can even add it to your favorite conditioner for soft shiny hair.  Mix olive oil and a cup of brown sugar in a bowl to create your own sugar scrub.  Take it to the shower and experience amazing skin that your significant other won't be able to keep their hands off you.  Don't forget the lips...apply that sugar scrub to your lips and let it set for a few minutes then remove with a damp towel.  Now that's what I call kissable lips!!!

I've heard of olive oil helping with acne.  However, this is something I have yet to try.  One thing's for sure, olives are nature's best secret and I just let the secret out the bag!  Go to your nearest grocery store and get you a bottle of that good ole extra virgin olive oil.  You'll be getting your money's worth. Ciao Dymunz!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ok, let me keep it real.  It's been a while since I've been here, because for the life of me, I couldn't get this blog thing down.  However, I plan to give it another try.  If any of you bloggers are reading this post and you feel the need to share your wisdom...PLEASE DO!!!!  To my readers, I will only do posts once a week.  Being a newly wed, with a newborn baby, a full time job, and trying to start my own business, it doesn't leave me much time.  Posts will either happen on Saturday's or Sunday evenings...  Stay tuned!!!! ~TOODLES~

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Intro to the Blog World

Hello everyone...My name is Tamara. I am new to the blog world.  I've been a cosmetologist for 8 years and have recently evolved into cosmetics.  Being a freelance MUA has really been fulfilling.  Don't be so hard on me, I am a newbie.  I have been following a few here on blogspot, i.e. makeupbyrenren, clumpsofmascara, etc.  Stay tuned for my blogs.