Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Do Yourself A Favor...

With the economy in the state that it is in, many are cutting back on their spending.  Let's be real...  Getting your hair done on a weekly basis can become pretty expensive.  But who are we kidding? 
We all like to look good right?  Of course we do!!!  When it comes to your hair, my advice to the penny saver is to think things over before deciding on what to save on.  If you can not afford to do your hair every week, you should decide what is affordable to you.  Even if you attend the salon once a month, at least you're making an                                                       effort  to get some proper haircare. 
(Picture Credit:

Let's talk about what should NOT be done at home...  CHEMICALS.  If you DID NOT attend Cosmetology school, you should not be applying chemicals to your own hair or someone else's for that matter.  THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!  I can not stress this any more.  You would not go to your best friend to pull out your wisdom tooth or give you a pap smear now would you?  I REST MY CASE.  I do not care how much someone thinks they know about hair or the chemicals used to relax or color, if they have not studied it and possess the proper certification, they can not apply a chemical to my head.  Point, Blank, PERIOD.  I don't know about you, but I like "my" hair.  Below you will see a picture of someone who has been chemically burned and scarred for life.

(^^^Picture credit:^^^)

There are dangers associated with the procedures such as overlapping, overprocessing, chemical burns, scarring of the scalp, just to name a few.  Which is why if you want to skip a salon visit, skip your in between visits.  You know, the ones in between relaxers or color appointments.  That is where you will save the most.  How, you ask?  Well, it'll save you from the cost of repairing damaged hair.
The chemicals in relaxers are so strong that they have been compared to Drano.  Yes, Drano.  It has gotten to the point where so many African-American women have decided to go natural (chemical free).  I've even given it some thought.  I think that it's a beautiful thing to see these beautiful women embrace their natural kink. (Picture Credit: >>>>>>>>>>>)

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